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Why we strike: CUPE 3903 and the fight for dignity, equity, and job security in the neoliberal university

March 28, 2018 - Rawan Abdelbaki

Doug Ford the drug dealer: breathing life into the mythologies of race, class and crime

March 27, 2018 - Krisna Saravanamuttu

Parkdale strikes against Nuspor Investments

February 6, 2018 - Kevin Taghabon

Toronto protest challenges Islamophobes

December 21, 2017 - Carolyn Egan

Toronto talks climate reform, walks austerity

December 19, 2017 - Valerie Lannon

Victory: Ontario Food Terminal workers strike and win workplace fairness

November 19, 2017 - Kevin Taghabon

Fighting racism and Islamophobia through the struggle for $15 and Fairness

September 13, 2017 - Alia Karim

Teamsters Local 419: On strike for AT LEAST $15 and Fairness

August 31, 2017 - Pam Frache

Join the Toronto Disability Pride March

August 28, 2017 - Melissa Graham

The organized working class can beat the bigots

August 24, 2017 - Carolyn Egan

Commemorating the Christie Pits riot: what does interfaith have to do with it?

August 16, 2017 - Cynthia Levine-Rasky

We want Woodbine workers to win

July 28, 2017 - Peter Hogarth

Parkdale residents enter second month on rent strike, protest at building owner’s home

June 6, 2017 - Kevin Taghabon

Support Canadian Hearing Society workers on strike

April 26, 2017 - Laura Kaminker and Melissa Graham

Striking York food service workers win $15 and Fairness

March 13, 2017 - Alia Karim and David Bush

Albion Neighbourhood Services on strike against cuts

March 6, 2017 - Peter Votsch, VP, CUPE Local 7797

Rally against Islamophobia shuts down bigots

March 5, 2017 - Peter Hogarth

Support food service workers

February 22, 2017 - Kevin Taghabon

Strike for $15: Food service workers ready to take on Aramark

January 26, 2017 - CJ Chanco

Toronto Community Benefits Network wins green jobs

December 19, 2016 - Carolyn Egan


Featured Event


  • February 26, 2025
    Organized by:
    Vancouver branch of the International Socialists


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