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United against oppression
The Arab Spring in review
Mohamed Boazizi set himself on fire in front of a local municipal office in the central town of Sidi Bouzid...more)
Revolution and counter-revolution under the Syrian "peace plan"
Despite imperial attempts to hijack it or stop it, the revolution in Syria is continuing.
Despite imperial attempts to hijack it or stop it, the revolution in Syria is continuing. For more than 13 months...more)
Thomas Kvilhaug from the International Socialists in Norway on the trial of a mass murderer.
Thomas Kvilhaug from the International Socialists in Norway on the trial of a mass murderer. Anders Behring Breivik appeared in...more)
Slovenian workers strike against austerity
Crisis and resistances comes to Slovenia
An estimated 90,000 public sector workers in Slovenia walked off the job on April 18 in what is described as...more)
Hunger striker exposes Western-backed Saudi regime
Mohammad Al-Bajadi is exposing the brutality of the Saudi regime that is backed by Western allies.
Mohammad Al-Bajadi, a founding member of the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association (ACPRA), has been on hunger strike since...more)
Jordanians fighting for real democracy
The Arab Spring in Jordan
Since 2011 protests have shaken the foundation of the ruling monarchy of Jordan. With unemployment rates officially at 12 per...more)
"À qui l’UQO? À nous, l’UQO!"
Students and teachers occupy against the tuition hike
The Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO) was on red alert this week as students defied the court injunction imposed...more)
Mass hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners
The battle of the empty stomachs
Palestinian Prisoners Day on April 17 was marked with a mass hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, and...more)
Ottawa Mobilizes for May Day Actions
The spirit of the Occupy movement is reinvigorating May Day
As this year’s International Workers’ Day draws closer, it looks more and more like May 1st will be an uncomfortable...more)
Harper and First Nations
Justice now
April 13-15 in Victoria BC saw two amazing events in support of First Nations’ rights. One would have been supported,...more)
UofT food service workers rally for respect
Time for a serving of respect
UofT food service workers are fighting for respect, and gaining supportmore)
Sub-Saharan Africa: the year of revolt
The continent rises
2011 will be remembered as a historic year of revolt, with no signs of the global resistance abating in 2012...more)
Diab extradition a great miscarriage of justice
Another insult to injury
Former Carleton University professor Hassan Diab, who has been facing extradition on false charges related to a bombing of a...more)
Abdulhadi Al-Khawajah dying to live
Save al-Khawajah
Abdulhadi AlKhawajah, detained Bahraini human rights defender, has been on hunger strike for more than 57 days. His starving body...more)
Budget 2012
Scrap Harper, along with the penny
“We will eliminate the penny.” In a tactical move that was beautiful in its simplicity and admirable in its brilliance,...more)
On Earth Day, say no to war
no war, no warming
April 22 is Earth Day, which has become a global event raising awareness about the importance of environmental protection. Earth...more)
How do we build a movement against war on Iran?
No sanctions, no war: don't attack Iran
As the prospect of a war with Iran increases, it is important to remember the lessons from the Iraq anti-war...more)
How do we support resistance in Iran?
Help Iranians, by not bombing them
While the drums of war against Iran are beating louder than ever and the punitive measures passed over its so-called...more)
Quebec Spring
Printemps erable
On March 31, 8,000 people—including workers from across Quebec, Canada, and the world, and striking Quebec students—converged in Alma, Quebec...more)
BC teachers fight to protect public eduction
educators defend education
The mediator appointed by the BC Liberals to work out a deal between teachers and the government has a history...more)
Food service workers rising
support food service workers
Unite Here local 75, representing hotel and hospitality workers in the Greater Toronto Area, currently has more than 500 campus...more)
students occupying Glen Murray's office
Occupy accessible education!
When Glen Murray, Ontario Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, tweeted yesterday that “the great joy of being Minister of...more)
Inside the Ontario Austerity budget
Mike Harris 2.0
The Ontario Liberal government has just tabled Ontario’s first serious austerity budget in the post-crisis era. Canadian Centre for Policy...more)
Anti-racist feminism
The ongoing contributions of anti-racist feminists
The women’s movement of the 1960s and 1970s, commonly referred to as the ‘second wave,’ developed in the context of...more)
Toronto library workers show that sometimes it's better to fight than to run away
Toronto library workers push back against Austerity
Toronto Public Library workers ended a ten-day strike recently, scoring a significantly better contract then their brothers and sisters in...more)


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