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NDP: from opposition to equivocation
For an effective opposition inside Parliament we need a strong movement outside
When Jack Layton ran for NDP leader in 2003, a central plank in his campaign was opposition to the looming...more)
UAE: hidden oppression
Beneath the skyscrapers, capitalist oppression
For many in the West, the United Arab Emirates is known for being a modern Arab country that appeals to...more)
High school students rally at Queen’s Park against Bill 115
Kill Bill 115
Following walk-outs across the province , high school students organized a rally at Queen’s Park to call on Ontario Premier...more)
Harper Tories (re)make history
Harper, warmonger of the year
Our glorious Harper Tories are busy making history. And when they aren’t making it, they are rewriting it. Let us...more)
General strike against cuts sees protests across Greece
Greek workers strike again
The general strike in Greece on September 26 was a fantastic success. In the capital city Athens transport workers limited...more)
Howard Zinn: the biography of the people’s historian
This book gives a good insight into Howard Zinn, giving context to the author of a seminal work that has since inspired millions of people.
Howard Zinn: A Life on the Left , By Martin Duberman Reviewed by Libby Fung Howard Zinn—historian, activist, and author...more)
South Africa platinum miners win as strikes spread
Mine workers win raise, expose ANC, and inspire others
After more than a month on wildcat strike, platinum miners have won a 22 per cent raise plus a $245...more)
What the Chicago teachers accomplished
A victory for rank-and-file mobilizing and solidarity
It’s time to take stock of the significance of Chicago teachers’ strike that beat back corporate education reform–not just for...more)
Jason Kenney, anti-choice henchman
The self-described anti-abortion activist
One of the leading opponents to a woman’s right to choose in Harper’s cabinet is Minister of Citizenship and Immigration,...more)
Egypt: labour ‘reforms’ target strikes
Another strike wave shakes Egypt, and the new Muslim Brotherhood government
Strikes and labour protests have spread across all sectors of the Egyptian economy in recent weeks, sparking fears among Egypt’s...more)
Empire of the beetle
BC's capitalist disaster
Empire of the Beetle , by Andrew Nikiforuk Reviewed by Anna Roik For thousands of years forests have matured, faced...more)
Abilities Arts Festival: countering oppression with a slight snub to capitalism
An accessible festival showcasing the talents of people with disabilities
The annual Abilities Arts Festival started last month in Toronto. The intent of the festival is to bring the vision...more)
BC public transit cutbacks threaten climate
Either cars go, or we do
There was little to cheer about after BC’s TransLink unveiled its draft 2013 Base Plan for the Lower Mainland on...more)
Victoria’s labour solidarity
Solidarity workshop
Almost 30 labour activists took part in a “Solidarity Action Workshop” on September 22 in Victoria. Participants were mainly from...more)
The Tory anti-choice record
The Tories are not re-opening the abortion debate, they never closed it
Despite Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s repeated protestations that he will not re-open the abortion debate, the record of his government...more)
Kenney pinkwashes war on Iran
Stop pinkwashing, stop war
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is helping Harper’s war drive, and distracting from his own policies, by suddenly claiming the Tories...more)
Harper paves way for war on Iran
We stopped Canada from attacking Iraq in 2003, let's stop the attack on Iran in 2012
It was a matter of shock and disbelief for many Canadians to listen to Foreign Minister John Baird, on September...more)
Capitalism creates climate chaos
We need an ecological revolution
Over the last 10,000 years our planet has had a very nearly idyllic climate with few extreme weather events. Capitalism’s...more)
NL airport workers strike
Fair wages now
Around 90 workers at St. John’s International Airport have been on strike since September 11 to demand fair wages and...more)
West coast salmon stocks dwindle
Capitalism is destroying our shared planet
As the proposed Enbridge pipeline project threatens much of the west coast’s beautiful natural landscapes and habitats, the salmon are...more)
The Toledo Auto-Lite strike of 1934
lessons from history on workers' resistance
The Toledo Auto-Lite strike is a valuable piece of working-class history. Workers, the unemployed and the Toledo community united to...more)
Rank-and-file workers inspire
Rank-and-file resistance
Chicago teachers have shown that public sector workers can take a stand against concessions and the austerity agenda and win...more)
College teachers: good deal or bad deal?
an opportunity to build
College teachers in Ontario with a contract ending on August 31 looked like they would be getting the same hammering...more)
My Leaky Body: health care humanized
A medical and artistic journey
Writer/activist Julie Devaney has dealt with serious health issues, and resultant experiences with the health care system, most of her...more)
Solidarity against McGuinty’s attacks on teachers
Kill Bill 115
Chanting “Kill the Bill,” hundreds of high school students in Ottawa walked out of class and headed over to Dalton...more)


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