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February 15, 2003: the day we almost stopped a war
February 15, 2003 was the largest mobilization in human history
Ten years ago this month , millions of people around the world were part of an unprecedented mobilization against war...more)
Anger and uncertainty about the 1%
Revivew of a book that chronicles capitalism's massive inequality but still defends it
Plutocrats shows a clear influence from the Occupy movement and laments the rise of such intense income inequality around the...more)
The Liberal convention and the fight against austerity
With the Liberal tacking left and the NDP missing in action, we need to build a strong rank-and-file movement
Ontario Liberals met in January at the historic Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto to choose a new leader. Waves of...more)
Legal victory for war resister
Another legal victory can help the political campaign to let war resisters stay
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney entered 2013 with momentum. Last fall he forced war resister Kim Rivera and her family out...more)
Socialism and indigenous sovereignty
The fight for indigenous sovereignty is a struggle that concerns all of us.
How should socialists approach the question of indigenous sovereignty? At first glance, the answer seems pretty straightforward, and on a...more)
Idle No More continues
From Victoria to James Bay, the movement is continuing
Idle No More was always about more than Chief Theresa Spence’s fast. It has become the rallying banner for actions...more)
Fifty years since ‘The Feminine Mystique’: a memoir of feminism in the 1960s
Suzanne Weiss remembers Betty Friedan's pioneering work
Fifty years ago, on February 13, 1963, the publication of Betty Friedan’s book The Feminine Mystique sparked a new awakening...more)
Tracking bracelet gone, now revoke 'security certificates'
The fight against security certificates continues
Mohammad Mahjoub, one of three remaining Security Certificate detainees in Canada, was finally allowed to remove his tracking bracelet, after...more)
Labour and the struggle for abortion rights
A working class stragegy was key to striking down the abortion law
We recently celebrated the twenty fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s historic Morgentaler Decision. A broad based movement overturned the...more)
Unity threatens Tories' tar sands
"Together in a single movement, they could become a serious obstacle to development"
The concept of divide and rule has been around a long time, no doubt as long as human society has...more)
Libya: strike at the main oil refinery
Second oil workers strike in two years
Workers at Libya's 220,000 barrels per day Ras Lanuf refinery have ended their strike at the end of January. Protests...more)
The struggle against Israeli Apartheid at York University
A look at the BDS campaign and York and the growing movement against Israeli Apartheid
For decades, Palestinians have been denied their fundamental rights to freedom, equality, and self-determination by the State of Israel. Despite...more)
Dear Ontario politicians, people with disabilities are not election pawns
Let's fight for real change for all people with disabilities regardless of income
Another election is on the horizon, and once again social assistance recipients find themselves the test subjects in an experiment...more)
Budget cuts threaten to leave social assistance recipients in the cold
Liberals cut taxes, then homes
Social assistance rates are so low that they barely cover basic needs; as a result people on assistance live in...more)
It takes guts to write a book like this
My Leaky Body, by Julie Devaney
My Leaky Body is hard to put down, visceral, funny, and a very political book.
I loved this book. This is Julie's story of her discovery of her chronic disease and the ensuing battles with...more)
People's social forum planning begins
The social forum comes to Turtle Island
Reports are already circulating about the meeting that took place in Ottawa on January 26 and 27 to plan a...more)
Reform Party racism and the rise of Stephen Harper
Harper's rise was based on pitting indigenous peoples against Quebeckers
The Idle No More movement has shone a spotlight on the real history of Canadian colonialism. Harper’s denial of that...more)
Syrian revolution continues to face external and internal threats
The violence in Syria is escalating as the uprising marks the end of its second year with more than 60,000...more)
Mali, Canada and the 'new scramble for Africa'
We need homes for Attawapiskat, not bombs for Mali
Canada is now a major player in the 'new scramble for Africa.' Canadian Special Forces are on the ground in...more)
Jordan: the king's elections can't contain the Arab Spring
Elections haven't changed austerity, repression or imperialism, so the struggle continues
King Abdullah II, Jordan’s ruling monarch, has heralded the January 23 parliamentary elections as a turning point in the so-called...more)
BC to expand coal exports
Loading Coal at Neptune Terminal
Doubling of coal exports approved for North Vancouver terminal
The first of two controversial coal port expansion projects in BC was unilaterally approved this week by Port Metro Vancouver...more)
Here's a way to make the Tar Sands even more destructive
Nuclear power plants in the Tar Sands are a really bad idea.
Reminiscent of the long-forgotten, but aptly named, Project Cauldron – using underground nuclear explosions in the Alberta tar sands to...more)
Yemen: US drones vs democracy
Drones are part of US counter-revolution in Yemen
"A decade of war is now ending," proclaimed President Obama in his second inaugural address. Those words seem awkward with...more)
Solidarity against Morsi's attack on Egyptians
Egyptian socialists respond to the state's latest attack
Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt) , translated by Socialist Worker (US) , in response to the Egyptian state's attack...more)
Celebrating and continuing the struggle for reproductive justice
Reproductive justice activists celebrate the overturning of Canada's abortion law on the 25th anniversary of the Morgentaler decision.
With snow-covered streets on a rainy winter Monday evening in downtown Toronto, a few hundred people filled-to-overflowing the seats of...more)


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