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The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: 15 years on
Assessing RCAP
It is now 15 years since the release of the report by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP). The...more)
The real threat is Harper-icism
The enemy is at home
Prime Minister Stephen Harper declared that “the major threat [to Canada] is still Islamicism” while Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship,...more)
The Arab Spring is the real 'peace process' for Palestine
The real peace process is coming
For decades the West has maintained control of the oil-rich Middle East by arming Israeli apartheid and Arab dictatorships; it...more)
Constitutionally speaking: Quebec and the Supremes
Divide and rule in Canada
The claim that “constitution fatigue” is a “problem” in Canadian politics serves to silence a key aspect of the oppression...more)
Canada rebranded
The Tories re-brand Canada
Canadian troops have been in Afghanistan for more than a decade, and I have never heard an honest and convincing...more)
Clap hands for the meltdown
the soundtrack for the new depression
Pull up some dust and sit down By Ry Cooder Reviewed by John Bell If anybody was going to write...more)
The reality of catastrophic climate change
The future of ecological destruction is now
Tropic of Chaos By Christian Parenti Reviewed by Ian Beeching Imagine living in a community where bodies turn up in...more)
Blame-the- teacher" agenda threatens education
BC teachers under attack
The BC Public Schools Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) is threatening to lock out the province’s teachers, in response to job action...more)
People with disabilities face cuts, fight back
It's not a question whether Austerity will affect Canadians with disabilities, but a question of when.
The International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPD) is a day where people with disabilities across the world are encouraged...more)
Feds ignore suicide epidemic in First Nations communities
Feds ignore suicide epidemic in First Nations communities
The willful ignorance of Canadian governments at all levels is perpetuating the cycle of abuse that First Nations people have...more)
BP returns for more profits and pollution
BP is back in the Gulf Coast
BP has filed applications to drill new deep-water wells in the Gulf of Mexico. The applications came just one week...more)
Pipelines and poverty kill in Kenya
The human price of oil
On September 12 a leaking oil pipeline passing through the densely populated Sinai slum in Kenya exploded, killing more than...more)
Mobilizing can stop the Tories
Anti-Ford movement stops Hudak
Ontario Tory leader Tim Hudak threatened to channel the anger against the Liberals—who closed hospitals, raised tuition fees and cut...more)
Pipeline ethics: profit is god
unethical oil
Canada’s Tar Sands. The movement on both sides of the Canada/US border to stop the construction of the Keystone XL...more)
200,000 students strike in Quebec
Quebec students strike against tuition hikes
More than 200,000 university and CEGEP students in Quebec boycotted classes on November 9 in protest of tuition fee hikes...more)
Air Canada settlement a harbinger of ill times?
flight attendants under attack
In a potentially damaging and certainly disappointing settlement, flight attendants at Air Canada have had their bargaining rights disregarded and...more)
Palestine joins UNESCO, US withdraws funding
Palestine joins UNESCO
On October 31, Palestinians were granted full membership in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This comes...more)
Syria: from protests to defection
The Syrian revolution continues
As the regime of Bashar al-Assad continues its crackdown on demonstrators, there is a rift opening up in the armed...more)
What next for Libya
The revolution in Libya is not finished
With the death of former leader Muammar Gaddafi, many Libyans who have engaged in a bitter fight with his brutal...more)
Pressure builds on Yemeni president
UN provides exit for Saleh
The UN Security Council has condemned violence in Yemen and supported a plan for the Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh,...more)
Chilean students and workers struggle together
The 2011 year of revolt arrives in Chile
Months before the Occupy Wall Street movement began in New York, a protest movement with similar motivations and goals was...more)
Business as usual after historic prisoner swap
Israel frees prisoners, then returns to war crimes
Less than two weeks after Israel freed over 1,000 Palestinian political prisoners in exchange for a single Israeli soldier captured...more)
Israel hijacks aid ship, tasers activist
Canadians attempt to break the siege on Gaza
The Canadian Boat to Gaza made a second attempt in early November to deliver medical aid to Gaza and break...more)
Wheat Board battle heats up
Farmers challenge the Harper government
The struggle for control of Prairie grain marketing escalated on October 18, when the Conservative government tabled Bill C-18, the...more)
Occupy, strike, resist
The Occupy movement begins...
In a year that began with revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt and that has seen general strikes rock Chile and...more)


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