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Quebec election: “Quebec Inc”?
Pierre Karl Péladeau running for the PQ has made the Quebec election clear: Quebec Inc or Québec solidaire
The announcement by Quebec media mogul Pierre Karl Péladeau to run for the Parti Québécois sent a shockwave through both...more)
Capitalism and sports
We need to challenge capitalism to reclaim sports as a pursuit of pleasure and health instead of profit
Sports for the average person are something to enjoy—whether they are watching it to relieve stress or playing them to...more)
The Olympics and resistance
We need athletics and sports that doesn’t come with weight of nationalism and austerity
The Sochi Winter Olympic games have wrapped up now and the world’s attention has shifted elsewhere. When the Russian government...more)
Film review: Young Lakota
Young Lakota takes an unflinching look at the intersection of reproductive justice and the fight for indigenous sovereignty.
Young Lakota documents the tumultuous struggle for reproductive justice in South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Indian Reservation from 2006 to 2008,...more)
Neither the West nor Russia: no to imperialist war games over Ukraine
The best hope lies in workers uniting in protests and strikes against all oligarchs, at the same time overcoming the nationalisms that are providing support for the imperialist war games.
The appearance of Russian soldiers in unmarked uniforms on the streets of Crimea and the reaction to this of the...more)
Land and Labour
Land and Labour looks at how humans interact with nature.
Land & Labour: marxism, ecology and human history by Martin Empson describes our historical relationship with nature, and how that...more)
Racism, sexism and the fight for women’s liberation
To challenge sexism we need to challenge Islamophobia and support self-emancipation
Women have been subjected to discrimination and violence for centuries—and this oppression is sharpened by racism and Islamophobia. Women of...more)
Remembering Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
Rank-and-file women workers led the historic strike wave
An examination of the massive strike wave of 1909-1913 reveals that the history of women’s liberation, the beginning of North...more)
Raising the minimum wage: a women’s issue
Women are the majority of minimum wage workers, so raising the minimum wage closes the pay gap
Here we are in 2014, decades after the first pieces of legislation targeting women’s equality were tabled, with a national...more)
Sharon escaped trial, but Palestinian resistance lives
The Arab Spring is Sharon's worst nightmare
Since last year’s Israeli Apartheid Week the campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and grown, and war criminal Ariel...more)
The state of class struggles in South Africa and the crisis in Cosatu
Statement by National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa
“People always have been the foolish victims of deception and self-deception in politics, and they always will be until they...more)
Steelworkers against Hudak
Unions need to rebuild rank-and-file confidence and control in order to confront Hudak
Over one 160 Steelworker activists crowded into their union hall in downtown Toronto checking their state of readiness if Tim...more)
Hands off Ukraine, Russia and NATO out!
"Neither Washington nor Moscow"
The current crisis in the Ukraine is a product of decades of meddling by both the West and Russia in...more)
Fossil fuel divestment campaigns growing
Fossil fuel divestment camapaigns are expanding the movement to shut down the fossil fuel industry.
Students at hundreds of Canadian and American universities have started fossil fuel divestment campaigns, demanding their universities divest from companies...more)
Women and the criminal justice system in Iraq
A recent Human Rights Report shows that Western intervention has done nothing to help women
A Human Rights Watch (HRW) report entitled “ No one is safe: Abuses of women in Iraq’s criminal justice system...more)
Dance of the Generals
Private mercenaries paid by public funds
At first I thought news that the Harper Tories were lambasting a retired general for his exorbitant moving expenses was...more)
Interview: the blossoming of Idle No More
An interview with Idle No More organizer Alex Wilson
Alex Wilson is one of many organizers of Idle No More, based in the Opaskwayak Cree Nation. She talked to...more)
A primer on Quebec’s oil and gas turnaround
The PQ wants more oil and gas development, but popular mobilizations can stop them
It’s as if suddenly, just a few months ago, Quebec suddenly realized it had struck oil. And this despite making...more)
Quebec election and the fight against racism, austerity, and oil
The PQ are repeating the austerity of the Liberals, but QS is fighting for an alternative
The current PQ minority government, brought in on a wave of anger that swept the provincial Liberals out at the...more)
Harper's "Fair Elections Act" undermines democracy
Harper's unpopular austerity agenda requires voter suppression
Stephen Harper's latest assault on democracy is the Orwellianly-named "Fair Elections Act", which the Conservatives are trying to rush through...more)
No more stolen sisters!
Harper doesn't want an inquiry to show that violence against First Nations women is rooted in systemic racism, sexism and poverty.
The latest First Nations woman found murdered is Loretta Saunders. The young Inuk woman from Newfoundland and Labrador was a...more)
Intersectionality and resistance
Intersectionality describes the experience of oppression, but does not explain how to end it
A new generation of activists is looking for ideas to guide them in the struggles ahead. If we think about...more)
IWD: fighting against austerity and for women’s liberation
This year's Toronto IWD will be demanding a higher minimum wage and defending public services
International Women’s Day has long been celebrated in the trade unions as well as the women’s movement. It was originally...more)
Mi'kmaq warriors speak in Toronto
Resistance and solidarity at Elsipogtog shows how we can fight for climate justice
On February 20 member of the the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society spoke to a packed crowd at the Toronto Council Fire...more)
Motherhouse: ground zero for political theatre
Fennario's latest play about resistance to WWI challenges its current glorification
Motherhouse is designed to be used as a political intervention by the anti-war movement, but it can also hold its...more)


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