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Occupy accessible education
Feb. 1 is a key date in the calendar of student Activism
As the 1% tries to make students and workers pay for the economic crisis, people around the world are fighting back. On February 1 students across Canada will be mobilizing to demand accessible education for the 99%.more
NSCAD resists cuts
Education is a right, and Nova Scotia needs NSCAD.
As the Nova Scotia NDP government cuts arts education, students are fighting back.more
All out January 17 to defend Toronto jobs and services
January 17 is a key date to oppose Rob Ford's Austerity
The level of anger and continuing protests by groups affected by the cuts speaks to the possibility of pushing back against Ford's Austerity agenda, but it will require a broad-based effort.more
19th Century labour relations for 21st Century education in BC?
Education under attack
In a surprising move, the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) tabled a package that intensifies the attacks and concessions...more
Ontario workers fight back against Austerity
We are heading into a time of labour strife in Ontario
From Rob Ford to the Drummond Commission, the Austerity agenda is coming to Ontario, But workers are fighting back.more
Stephen Harper: Crime Minister.
Occupy 2012
The year 2011 was a historic year of revolt - Let's make 2012 another year of revolt, against the 1% regime of our Crime Minister, Stephen Harper.more
Tories' war on choice
The Tories scapegoat Muslims to distract from their anti-choice policies
While attacking the rights of Muslim women and eroding abortion rights, Harper continues to insist he - won't re-open the debate" on abortion. But the debate is already open, and the pro-choice majority needs to stand up in support of abortion rights, and against Islamophobia.more
Italy: Austerity and resistance
Crisis and resistance comes to Italy
As the focus of Europe's debt crisis shifts from Greece to Italy, Italian economist and economic historian Stefano Agnoletto discusses the prospects for Italian workers' resistance to neoliberal Austerity.more
Arab Spring, the revolutions continue
The Arab Spring enters its second year
Amidst deepening economic crisis and ongoing Western intervention, with international and local forces attempting to contain the revolutions, workers have the power to spread the Arab Spring.more
Hands off Syria, Victory to the revolution
Don't let NATO hijack the revolution
NATO powers are using repression in Syria as a pretext for long sought intervention, which would hijack another part of the Arab Spring and undermine its potential, which has already produced defections in the army and organized a general strike.more


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