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Growing opposition to Harper's postal cuts
We need to mobilize the strong majority who oppose privatizing postal service
In the fall 96,000 houses will likely lose their door-to-door mail delivery, as Canada Post begins its process of slashing...more
Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Accounts by Women in SNCC
The blend of personal accounts and overall analysis allows you to feel the motivation and determination of many of the women
This book takes you to the US South at the height of the 1960s civil rights movement and never lets...more
Grassy Narrows: one First Nation, two big battles
The Supreme Court decisioin against Grassy Narrows is another example of treaty-breaking
Grassy Narrows First Nation is in a decades-long fight to seek redress for the damages caused by the careless dumping...more
From the People’s Social Forum to the People’s Climate March!
Demand Climate Justice at the People's Climate March
People from across North America are organizing for the People's Climate March in New York.
A month after the People’s Social Forum (August 21-24 in Ottawa), the People’s Climate March (Sunday, September 21 in New...more
Mass protests turn tide against Israeli terror
Palestinian resistance and solidarity are challenging imperialism
The world is increasingly turning it’s back on the Israeli state. The latest round of attacks on the people of...more
Reproductive Justice: Equal Access Now!
A fundraising campaign and day of action and pushing back the attack on choice
On July 18 the Morgentaler clinic in Fredericton, New Brunswick closed after 20 years. In contravention to the Canada Health...more
Their media and ours
What is the role of alternative and socialist media in fighting capitalism?
“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling...more
Towards a revolutionary perspective on Hamas
Support for Hamas' resistance to Israel needs to be unconditional but critical
This article is not a simply a response to the “Egyptian Zionists”, whether they are right-wing racists like Lamis Gaber,...more
Federal public service under attack
The Tories are robbing workers of their sick days and undermining their right to strike
As they approach the end of their current collective agreements, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) faces a federal...more
River Run for Grassy Narrows
500 people walked to Queen's Park demanding environmental justice for Grassy Narrows
Chanting "Kathleen Wynne, where've you been? All those broken promses", about 500 Indigenous and non-Indigenous activists marched on July 31...more


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