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Other voices from Vimy: a reading of David Fennario's Bolsheviki


Imperial Pub
54 Dundas St E
Toronto , ON
Ontario CA

"The ideas of the ruling class are the ruling ideas of any epoch" - Karl Marx 

Jesse Byiers, Pam Johnson and Thomas McKechnie invite you to the Imperial Pub and Library November 9th to hear a reading of Canada's political provocateur playwright par excelense David Fennario's self-described, "Deadly Serious Comedy", Bolsheviki. 

Bolsheviki is the story of a young reporter and his encounter with a veteran of the Battle of the Vimy Ridge in a bar in Montreal on Remembrance Day. What follows is a part of the secret history of Canada. A history in which not everyone was ready to die for "God, King and Country", a history in which voices of dissent are brutally silenced, a history that is yearly whitewashed in the rhetoric of "supreme sacrifice". 

The reading will take approximately one hour and everyone is invited to stay after the performance to talk. 

PWYC (Suggested donation $5) 

No one will be turned away for lack of funds. 

All proceeds will go to the War Resisters Support Campaign

Monday, November 9, 2015 - 22:00
Organized by: 
Toronto International Socialists

Featured Event



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