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What's happening in Egypt? Eyewitness report from a member of Egypt's Revolutionary Socialists


Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
252 Bloor Street West, room 8201
Toronto , ON
Ontario CA

Join us for a public meeting to discuss the current situation in Egypt and hear from Wael Barakat, a member of Egypt's Revolutionary Socialists.

Speaking via Skype from Alexandria, Wael will discuss the unfolding revolutionary process, the ousting of Mohamed Morsi from power, and the recent attempts by the military to ban strikes, crush political opponents, and halt the movements of the people in the streets and workplaces of Egypt - including this week's massacre in Cairo.

Wael Barakat is a leading member of the Revolutionary Socialists in Alexandria, Egypt. A long-time socialist and activist, Wael was involved in labour solidarity during the strike-wave that swept Egypt in 2006 and 2007. Since the revolution began in 2011, he has been part of the struggle to establish free and independent trade unions in Egypt.

Facebook event here. For more info, email

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 22:00
Organized by: 
International Socialists

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