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Harper doesn't want an inquiry to show that violence against First Nations women is rooted in systemic racism, sexism and poverty.
Despite Western-backed repression the Arab Spring in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia continues
Members of the Mi’kmaq Warriors Society are on tour, building the successful resistance and solidarity that stopped fracking in Elsipogtog
"Deficit reduction" is an excuse to attack jobs and services, and a cover for tax cuts and military spending
Another disasterous pipeline project has been submitted to the National Energy Board.
Religious accommodation is not counterposed to liberation for women or for the queer community
Israeli apartheid oppresses indigenous Palestinians and African migrants
The West is ignoring the humanitarian crisis, arming groups and pushing for a "transition" that undermines self-determination
Join Neil Young in helping raise funds for the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation's legal defense fund
Resistance and solidarity has won a partial victory, and must continue


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