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Demonstratio against Quebec's Bill 21 banning religious symbols
Anti-racists across the Canadian state need to shut down hate and show solidarity wherever we are.
Hamilton celebrates May Day
Rage against Ford fuels May Day
PSOE Socialist Party supporters celebrated on Sunday night (Photo: @PSOE on Twitter)
Celebrate the victory of PSOE, but build the anti-capitalist left.
Members of the VTU celebrate and organize. Photo by Michael Tseng
Tenants are organzing themselves to take on landlords.
PEI Green supporters. Photo Green Party of PEI Facebook
PEI Greens’ success shows voters’ concern for climate, but we need more
The real opposition to Kenney will be in the streets
Janitors at Fight for $15 and Fairness rally
Janitors win pensions, health benefits, and surpass $15/hr
Delegates to the founding meeting of the Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party, photo  @OfficialSRWP on Facebook
A new workers’ party in South Africa is committed to revolution
Students take protest to SFU Board of Governors
No student a cash cow, tuition freeze now!
Delegates at Quebec solidaire National Council meeting vote overwhelmingly to fight the ban on religious symbols
Party also launches ultimatum to CAQ government on climate change


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