

Police racism and colonialism
Police murder 6 Indigenous people in 11 days
Over the 11 days between August 29th through to September 8th, 6 Indigenous people were killed by police forces across...more
Immigration: myths, misconceptions, and toxic rhetoric
Anti-immigrant sentiment is growing across Europe and North America. Here in Canada, right-wing politicians in the media have been scapegoating...more
Saskatchewan: will lacklustre NDP hand victory to Scott Moe?
On or before October 28, 2024 there will be a provincial election in Saskatchewan. After 17 years of Saskatchewan (Sask)...more
BC Liberals surrender to far-right Conservatives
Con as in convoy and conservative
BC United surrenders to the convoy politics of the BC Conservatives.
In the 2020 BC election the BC Conservatives got less than 2% of the vote. The last time a Conservative...more
Support Fred Hahn - It is right to oppose genocide
Fred Hahn, President of CUPE Ontario, and General Vice President on CUPE National’s Executive Board, is once again under attack...more
All out to support locked out rail workers!
Support public safety and workers rights
Nearly 10,000 rail workers are fightng against the billionaire rail barons in Canada. As of 12:01 midnight, Thursday, August 22...more

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